Athletic directors, Let us help you create your very own


A new approach to the outdated leadership academy format. Check out our 3 step process fitted for developing team captains.

Step 1: Educate for Awareness


Step 2: Mentor for Application

1:1 Coaching for athletes

Step 3: Experience for Development

1:1 Working with coaches

In 2004, UNC was the first to develop a leadership academy to start systematically developing leadership within their organization. Since that time, hundreds of others have been created in both the high school and college levels. They all mirror each other as well as the same type of leadership development that has been in the corporate field for years. There are a few problems with this:

1.) No one, especially athletes, truly learns from lecture. We only have a 5-10% retention rate from what we hear.

2.) Research is showing that pulling leaders from their environment does very little in affecting lasting change in behavior.

These are a few reasons as to why we take the extra steps in our leadership academies. The first step helps us educate for the awareness of certain mental models. The second step is needed so that we can then make these concepts more contextual to the athlete. It is during this step that most of the learning occurs as we move them from a state of passive learning to a state of active learning by asking more questions that guide them through certain thought processes. The goal is to get them to get used to thinking for themselves and improve their clarity and decision-making. The third step allows us to to work with the coach and make sure all parties are on the same page, but this is also where we work with the coaches to create intentional, meaningful experiences to develop leadership skillsets to their full potential. We go by the old adage: you hear-you forget, you see-you remember, you do- you understand. We truly develop leadership skills through meaningful experiences. Coaches are missing out on giving more experiences to both emerging and veteran leaders to stand up and influence their teams. Let us know below if your school or program is interested in speaking with us to help you improve your existing program or create a brand new one from scratch.

Option 1

$6k/ Semester


  • 3 workshops
  • 60 1:1 sessions
  • 1 coaches workshop

Option 2

$8k/ Semester


  • 4 workshops
  • 100 1:1 sessions
  • 3 coaches workshops
  • 20 Captain's Playbooks
Most popular

Option 3



  • 5 workshops
  • 125 1:1 sessions
  • 3 coaches workshops
  • 20 Captain's Playbooks